9 min readNov 17, 2020


Diet Plan


What if I told you it’s possible to lose 10 pounds of your belly fat in 2 weeks? You could go shirtless or flaunt a bikini at the beach in no time without feeling self-conscious about your body.

Sounds, great right? I know just the thought of posing confidently flaunting your body made you feel a whole lot better about yourself.

See how this website CLICK HERE TO ACCESS helps people & can help you lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks.

Losing weight is not an easy process as many bloggers/article writers make it seem to be. It requires a lot of dedication, sacrifice & mostly discipline. Be it a nutrition diet that you came across, body exercise or weight loss program, you need to be dedicated to achieving results by monitoring your daily progress.

In the weight loss journey, it’s the little victories that count (that craving you ignored during the day/the work out you vow not to miss today/the un-appetizing diet you have to endure every day). These are the victories you need to celebrate.

Before I share with you how to start losing weight fast these are the main causes of belly fat;

· Hormone changes
Women gain weight very rapidly be it due to having a newborn baby or menopause which reduces the amount of estrogen in the body then the androgen quantity starts increasing hence extra fat starts to accumulate around the waist and abdomen.

· Digestive system weakness
If someone’s digestive system is weak fat starts growing on his abdomen (belly) due to a reduced rate in metabolism. The weakness of the digestive system causes many diseases in the body such as thyroid & diabetes.

· Overeating
Many people today eat excessively throughout because they’re under stress from work or life’s challenges thus causing an increase in the fat on the stomach.

· Sitting at one place all-day
Nowadays people have a habit of sitting all day.
In a study related to Obesity, it was proven that men and women who watch TV for more than 3 hours continuously are highly likely to gain belly fat over a period of time.
This is because while watching TV we sit in one place for a long time and keep eating. This causes stress on the stomach causing tummy fat to start increasing rapidly. Many people don’t know this.

· Staying in stress for a long time
Obesity starts to increase around the stomach when a person is under a lot of stress. The reason for this is cortisol. When under stress the level of cortisol increases in the body resulting in an increase in the fat level, hence fat starts to accumulate around the waist and abdomen.

· Drinking alcohol excessively
Alcohol contains a lot of calories which increase weight rapidly.
Drinking alcohol not only increases the risk of diseases like heart disease & liver disease, but regular drinking also increases tummy fat.

Check out this quick guide on Weight loss

It’s important to note all these causes so as to avoid them first then go-ahead to start on the following steps.


You need to start to your day with a high protein breakfast with low-fat content. Change your daily routine to accommodate aerobic exercises & cardio training to increase the rate at which you are going to be burning your body fat. Add fatty fish ex. Salmon, Mackerel & Tuna to your diet you might also want to reduce refined carbs and salt intake. Always drink enough water and consume soluble fibre(oats/peas/beans).


This is your meal plan note that this is where many people seeking to lose weight go wrong. You need to eat healthily & always watch what you eat. Here’s your guide for the first three days.

If you are determined to lose weight & need a full week diet, go & view this website here>>>Join the Flat Belly Terminator<<<

Day 1

Dandelion tea, live yoghurt and an apple.
(Dandelion tea is a gentle, caffeine-way to shed fluid and help control bloating).
Pumpkin seeds.
Rye bread with vegetable soup: to include carrot, parsley, leek, tomato, onion, garlic, and herbs. Use no-salt vegetable stock.
An orange, sunflower seeds and aloe vera juice.
Evening meal
Salad with red pepper, cucumber and herbs with olive oil dressing and a salmon fillet.

Day 2

Water with fresh lemon, blueberries and live yoghurt.
Fresh fruit salad with sunflower seeds and tahini, wholemeal or rye crackers.
An apple and a cup of dandelion and burdock tea.
Evening meal
Vegetable soup as Day 1, with a fillet of chicken.

Day 3

Freshly squeezed fruit juice or a fruit smoothie made with live yoghurt with sunflower seeds
Tomato, cucumber and herb salad with a piece of grilled tuna.
An apple and a cup of green tea
Evening meal
Large mixed leaf salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing with grilled chicken or fish.

Important: Your commitment to a healthier, portion-controlled diet to starve the fat cells is a major key to the process.


A long-term commitment to exercise creates a body with a higher percentage of lean mass, this will actually make you have a flatter stomach and more streamlined physique in the long run.

Here are some common exercises that you should work on to reduce your waistline.

Bear Crawl

Start with coming on all fours. Your hips should be in line with your knees and hands below your shoulders. Lift your knees slightly above the ground. Make sure your back is flat, legs hip-width apart and arms shoulder-width apart. Move your right hand and left leg forward. Now do the same with the other leg and hand. Repeat the move while alternating sides.

Bicycle Crunches

Lie on your back with legs stretched and arms resting by your side. Put your hand behind your head (do not interlock them) and try to lift your shoulders and upper back off the ground. At the same time bend your left knee and bring it towards your chest and move your right elbow towards the centre. Your knees and elbow should meet in the middle. Pause and then take your leg and hand to the starting point. Perform the same exercising with the other elbow and knee.


Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet placed firmly on the ground. Place both your hands behind your head, without pulling on your neck. Now lift your upper body off the ground up toward your knees. Do not forget to breathe out when you do so. Hold on for 2–3 seconds then slowly lower yourself down, to return to your starting point. Breathe in when you go down.

There you have it, you now have all you need to lose 10 pounds easy with this simple formula.

Discipline +Sacrifice +Dedication= (-)10 Pounds/week.

Get the full guide HERE NOW on how to lose weight fast.

This article is for informational purposes only, it should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.

